Monday, July 9, 2012

Has anyone seen my blog?? I seem to have misplaced it!

It seems that I have a few that stumble upon my little corner of the virtual world, but don't stay long.Life is exactly that, LIFE! Unpredictable, unreliable (unless you count it being reliable to surprise), and unrelenting.
So here I sit in my pale yellow tricot nightgown with a fan blowing the backs of my legs to cool me off while I try NOT to melt like a sno-cone in Phoenix. I am with a deadline to create... and yet my mind is comletely BLANK! How I LOVE creating, but when the synapses refuse to fire, that's when I go blog-hopping myself! So wish me luck and if I'm successful in my 'hunting and gathering', I'll be sure to share!

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